Location of a/c high pressure port on a 1965 Corvette with factory air?

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  • Charles B.
    • July 21, 2015
    • 4

    Location of a/c high pressure port on a 1965 Corvette with factory air?

    I recently purchased a 1965 Corvette Coupe with factory air. Wasn't cooling so I took it to the shop. The system had been converted to R134a. I located the low pressure fill port was a small metal line going to the suction throttling valve. The fill port had the adapter on the fill port. I can't find the high pressure port to attach the gauges. During the conversion the R134a high pressure port adapter didn't get installed. Is the high pressure port on the back of the compressor?
  • Harry S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 2002
    • 5181

    Re: Location of a/c high pressure port on a 1965 Corvette with factory air?

    yes, on the right side looking from the back of the car.


    • Harry S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 1, 2002
      • 5181

      Re: Location of a/c high pressure port on a 1965 Corvette with factory air?

      This is a 63 with A/C and the muffler is different but the Brass Acorn Nut closest to the fender should be the high pressure side, same as your 65.
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