Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

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  • Murray S.
    Frequent User
    • June 1, 1990
    • 72

    Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

    Can someone post an image, or choose from the 2 images below, of what the distributor bracket for a 1965 L79 engine should look like?
    My car is also equipped with TI ignition, if that makes a difference.
    I checked two suppliers: Long Island Corvette and Paragon Reproductions; they show 2 different styles of brackets.
    The first picture (428.jpg) is from Paragon; the second picture (Long Island.jpg) is from Long Island Corvette Supply.
    I checked the current 1965 Judging manual but did not find a definitive answer.
    Murray Sobol
    NCRS#: 17630
    Attached Files
  • Leif A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1997
    • 3571

    Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

    I think if you look closely, they are essentially the same configuration. Possible difference in finish. The LIC part(s) are shown put together whereas the Paragon part shows the three separate pieces.
    '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
    Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


    • Alan D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 1, 2005
      • 2016

      Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

      If just going by picture, I'll would go for LIC since you can see the head, the grading is correct and it is a period correct manufacturer.


      • John D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • December 1, 1979
        • 5507

        Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

        HI Murray, Stop at my booth at Carlisle and I will show you two original wire distributor clamps. Not for sale as in use.
        Jorjorian taught me something that I always wondered about on that distributor clamp assembly.
        You have three pieces. The basic clamp made out of heavy wire. A somewhere square washer with a hole in the center and the Bolt with a few different logos. Oner of the logos is RBW
        The square washer should be "Bare". Not blackened. RJ taught me this recently after he saw a pic of me blackening that part. The wire piece and bolt were blackened.
        Nice little detail and seldom seen. I am guilty as restored a ton of those clamps and until the last few months none had the bare washer/retainer.
        In the old days my friends used to pitch those wire clamps and replace them with the solid steel ones. Of course me being a pack rat I used to save them by the coffee can full.
        Be careful buying those babies on Ebay, etc as you can't tell by the pics just what you are getting. There were at least three differenct configurations of them. The rounded end is the problem. The Corvette clamp is basically flat on the rounded end. Some of the Chevy ones had the rounded end dropped down-sagging. John

        The repo is decent but the bolt is way too long and it appears it is a typical intake to head bolt. Solution is to cut it off.
        Correct length of the bolt is: Using a crude ruler in my office it's about 1-1/8" overall length. Pretty short bolt.


        • Henry J.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 1, 1999
          • 457

          Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine


          Just to clarify in my mind, when you say "overall length", did you measure this 1-1/8" from the underside of the bolt head or the top?


          • John D.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • December 1, 1979
            • 5507

            Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

            Henry, Just remeasure the entire length of the bolt using a machinist ruler. Still 1-1/8" overall.
            Measuring just the threads I get 7/8, John


            • Henry J.
              Very Frequent User
              • November 1, 1999
              • 457

              Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

              Ah yes John. That makes sense now and fits expectation. Thank you for the clarification.

              I look forward to stopping by your space at Carlisle. I always enjoy chatting about details that probably mean little to many.


              • John H.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • December 1, 1997
                • 16513

                Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                The industry measuring convention for bolt length has always been from the underside of the bolt head to the tip.


                • John D.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • December 1, 1979
                  • 5507

                  Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                  Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                  The industry measuring convention for bolt length has always been from the underside of the bolt head to the tip.
                  Yeah John you are correct. But when I first measured at my desk I had a kindergarden ruler so it was easier to measure the entire length.


                  • Dan D.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • November 5, 2008
                    • 1323

                    Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                    Except for flat head screws. They are measured as overall length.



                    • John D.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • December 1, 1979
                      • 5507

                      Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                      Dan, Just measured a filister screw for a fuel injection. 10/32 x 5/8". The 5/8" measurement is just for the thread and not the filister head. John


                      • Dan D.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • November 5, 2008
                        • 1323

                        Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                        Interesting John, I am not familiar with how filister head screws are measured, so it seems they are treated like cap screws.



                        • Jack P.
                          • March 20, 2009
                          • 1135

                          Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                          Hi Dan, is your car together, you promised me a ride, remember? I may be heading your way after Carlisle.



                          • Dan D.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • November 5, 2008
                            • 1323

                            Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                            Hi Jack,

                            Unfortunately no - I have made progress since you saw it last, but I have been interrupted time and again by home 'stuff'. However, if you want to stop by after Carlisle, you are more than welcome to do so. If fact I would love to see you again. Maybe we could chug a brew together, and I will show you what I have been doing with my time.

                            And when I do get it together, I promise you a high speed ride - even it I have to drive it to Maine to do so.



                            • Kim C.

                              Re: Distributor Hold Down Bracket for 1965 L79 engine

                              the only difference is the bolt - the LIC is a a TR black bolt 3/4" long
                              the pR buys the clamp and reinf from LIC.
                              48-36_002.jpg < this is the LIC set #48-36 TR headmark
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