Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

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  • G B.
    • December 1, 1974
    • 1407

    Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

    My copy of the 1963 - 1967 Corvette Operations Manual & Performance Verification Test Guide (Second Edition, copyright 2000) says on page 7 near the bottom:

    "Fuel injected engines (1963-65) may, at the option of the owner, be discreetly fitted with an under-plenum electric fuel shut-off valve."

    Are aftermarket solenoid valves for additional hydro-lock protection still considered acceptable during NCRS judging events WITHOUT PENALTY?

    If not, what written policy can be referenced?
    Last edited by G B.; July 21, 2015, 10:52 AM.
  • John D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1979
    • 5507

    Re: Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

    Jerry, You referenced the latest Corvette Operations Manual and Performance Verification Test Guide as listed in May-June 2015 Driveline.
    It's the 2nd edition 2000. So if a 63 to 65 owner is going thru OPS or PV he/she should have no problem as far is his/her car is equipped with an add on siphon breaker solenoid aka solenoid valve.

    The 1953 to 1962 Corvette operations Manual and Performance Verification Test Guide 2nd edition copyright 1999 (whew!) uses similiar wording as the later ops manual. "Fuel injection engines (1957-1962)may, at the option of the owner, be discreetly fitted with an under plenum electric fuel shut off valve".

    Since I am the new (very old) NCRS 1957 to 1965 FI contact guy my next job will be to research all the latest judging manuals to see what they say about the siphon breaker solenoid kits.
    I know for a fact that the new 1961-1962 manual does in fact have the info about siphon breaker kits.
    Since I am also the Chairman of the Pittsburgh-Tri Chapter Chapter I have access to all the latest manuals plus I have a bunch of them myself. I will check the '57 manual, the '58-60 manual, the '63-64 manual and the '65 manual and get back to you after Corvette Carlisle.
    Reason being I am buried with work right now getting ready for the show.
    Thanks for your good post Jerry. It's been a gray area and now we have it documented for all to see.
    I will also work up an Article on this subject with the approval of the various team leaders and national judging chairman for "The Restorer". But that will take a while. John D.


    • Don H.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 1, 1981
      • 1469

      Re: Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

      When I judge I NEVER take off for a solenoid - I have one on both of my cars. I compliment the owner as I did have hydro-lock on my '60 about 25 years ago, it is not pretty or fun! Don H.


      • Michael W.
        • April 1, 1997
        • 4290

        Re: Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

        Why would it not fall under the 'owner or dealer inspired options' principle?


        • Mike E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 1, 1975
          • 5106

          Re: Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

          Same principle as fire extinguisher?


          • Don H.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • December 1, 1981
            • 1469

            Re: Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

            Exactly, I consider it safety equipment!


            • Michael W.
              • April 1, 1997
              • 4290

              Re: Aftermarket Anti-Siphon Solenoids on Rochester FI units.

              There's no doubt that it's a good idea, but I can think of a dozen other good ideas, each of which would get a deduct. Since there doesn't seem to be a written policy covering this (unlike fire extinguishers), I guess the answer to Jerry's question is no.


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