Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

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  • Bob H.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 2000
    • 787

    Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

    I passed over 20 Corvettes on the road this past week. I received one return wave.

    Has the Corvette "wave" died? Or is it just me?
  • Mike T.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1992
    • 563

    Re: Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

    Bob - Where they older or newer Corvettes? Not that it should make a difference but I'm typically going to get more 'return waves' from people driving the older ones. Just the other day, a 2014 (or 2015) Corvette flashed their lights as they passed me (man, those new headlights really are bright :-O) and then just a dozen car lengths behind him came yet another late model Corvette but no wave with that one...he was busy on his cell phone.
    Mike T. - Prescott AZ.


    • Bob H.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 1, 2000
      • 787

      Re: Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

      Hi Mike. Unless I am around a big car show, it is so rare to see any older Corvettes on the road now. It is typically C-5's and newer. I got a wave from a C5


      • Alan S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 1, 1989
        • 3413

        Re: Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

        Hi Bob,
        I notice a lot of Harley people do the 'wave' down low (a foot above the road).
        Perhaps these Corvette drivers are returning your wave, but it's down low in the footwell.
        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
        Mason Dixon Chapter
        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


        • David R.
          Very Frequent User
          • June 30, 2014
          • 183

          Re: Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

          Bottom Line: You can't control what other people do, you can only control what YOU do . . . Okay, sometimes not even that. I always have waved, since my first Corvette in 1972, and I always will. Sometimes the other guy waves back, sometimes not. No big deal. I will say, when I'm in the '62, EVERYBODY waves. Just enjoy your car . . . you bought it for you, not for those other guys.

          SAVE THE WAVE!!!!


          • Bill M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 1, 1989
            • 1303

            Re: Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

            I now wave at every old American car. I own a 2015 as well as mid years and find that the guys my age in the new vettes would not know a 72 or older if it was parked in their own garage.


            • Brian D.
              Very Frequent User
              • May 1, 1999
              • 422

              Re: Another unreported death or did i just miss the post?

              I'd say that most of my "no wave reciprocated" instances occur when there is heavier traffic, or perhaps across an interstate median. I'm sure that I have missed some also; I'd rather watch the folks near me than the oncoming lanes that aren't likely to cause me grief.

              I also noticed more waves returned when I'm in the 67 versus the 06. I occasionally even get waves and thumbs up from non-Corvette drivers when in the 67!


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