Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes. - NCRS Discussion Boards

Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

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  • Larry E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 1635

    Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

    Have a simple question on our Air Compressors in our garages. Have a nice old Sears 3 H/P A/C. Decided to drain the water and change oil on it while watching the NASCAR race in my "ManCave" today. Should I stay with the standard Pipeplug that came with it for draining the water or should I change it to one of radiator type plugs that "Turn to Open" the valve? I not sure of the later type because they where not designed to hold 150PSI when closed? Also the type of oil to use. IIRC Sears recommended a Non--Detergent type. Sound OK? Any comments for the above two question would be welcomed. Thanks in Advance. Larry

    P.S. Seems simple questions but I bet I get defferent opinons as we all know this piece of equipment is very important to us when will deal with our Vettes.

    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134
  • Patrick H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 11561

    Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

    I put a 90 degree fitting on the bottom of my compressor and then attached a ball valve meant for compressors. It drains out to the side then rather than straight at the floor, and works well. I can open it with one hand while holding an old rag on the end of the valve to absorb any water that comes out. It's a far better solution than the screw-to-open valves.

    Mine doesn't have this long of a lever, and the hose is a neat idea, but here is a photo of the concept:

    Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
    71 "deer modified" coupe
    72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
    2008 coupe
    Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 15, 2008
      • 6940

      Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

      Larry, if the drain plug on the bottom is the same size as the Radiator drain, Use it and most compressor do use a non detergent oil. my shop compressor and home compressors are both 30w Non D. I like Pat's drain also.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Larry E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 30, 1989
        • 1635

        Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

        Originally posted by Patrick Hulst (16386)
        I put a 90 degree fitting on the bottom of my compressor and then attached a ball valve meant for compressors. It drains out to the side then rather than straight at the floor, and works well. I can open it with one hand while holding an old rag on the end of the valve to absorb any water that comes out. It's a far better solution than the screw-to-open valves.

        Mine doesn't have this long of a lever, and the hose is a neat idea, but here is a photo of the concept:

        Patrick: Nice idea but I noticed sometimes when I remove the Pipe Plug nothing comes out because of some blockage of whatever on the bottom of the tank. When I stick an ice pick in the hole it brakes up and then the water starts flowing. With the 90 degree bend you have I could not do this. Maybe if I drained it more often it would not happen. Thoughts?? Larry

        LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


        • Larry M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 31, 1991
          • 2684

          Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

          Patrick has it right. Install a pipe ell and ball valve. Just open the valve more often. I typically drain mine about once a week, but will drain daily if constantly using the compressor.

          Sears sells oil for these compressors. Probably every store will have some. Originally (MANY years ago), these compressors used 20 wt. non-detergent oil. Now Sears sells only sell 30 wt non-detergent oil. It is probably just fine………….many other makes use 30 wt. in the shop.

          NAPA and others may also have.




          • Joe L.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • January 31, 1988
            • 43160

            Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

            Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
            Have a simple question on our Air Compressors in our garages. Have a nice old Sears 3 H/P A/C. Decided to drain the water and change oil on it while watching the NASCAR race in my "ManCave" today. Should I stay with the standard Pipeplug that came with it for draining the water or should I change it to one of radiator type plugs that "Turn to Open" the valve? I not sure of the later type because they where not designed to hold 150PSI when closed? Also the type of oil to use. IIRC Sears recommended a Non--Detergent type. Sound OK? Any comments for the above two question would be welcomed. Thanks in Advance. Larry

            P.S. Seems simple questions but I bet I get defferent opinons as we all know this piece of equipment is very important to us when will deal with our Vettes.


            My Campbell-Hausfeld compressor came with a petcock type of tank drain.
            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


            • Edward J.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 15, 2008
              • 6940

              Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

              Any compressor not in use just leave the drain valve open. Larry sound like you may have a lot of debris sitting in the bottom of tank.
              New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


              • Patrick H.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • November 30, 1989
                • 11561

                Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                As Larry says, you need to drain it a lot more often. Most say every time you use it, but at least on a regular schedule. I have never had mine clog with this setup. I suspect you currently put off draining it because removing the plug is such a PITA.
                Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                71 "deer modified" coupe
                72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
                2008 coupe
                Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • January 31, 1988
                  • 43160

                  Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                  Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
                  Patrick: Nice idea but I noticed sometimes when I remove the Pipe Plug nothing comes out because of some blockage of whatever on the bottom of the tank. When I stick an ice pick in the hole it brakes up and then the water starts flowing. With the 90 degree bend you have I could not do this. Maybe if I drained it more often it would not happen. Thoughts?? Larry


                  That debris in your tank is most likely rust scale. What is now rust used to be the steel of the tank. When the steel gets thin enough you will hear a VERY LOUD BANG. Don't be near the tank when this occurs.
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • Gary J.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • March 31, 1980
                    • 1226

                    Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                    I changed mine to a ball valve, never looked back. Ball valve is the only way to go.


                    • Larry E.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • November 30, 1989
                      • 1635

                      Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                      Originally posted by Patrick Hulst (16386)
                      As Larry says, you need to drain it a lot more often. Most say every time you use it, but at least on a regular schedule. I have never had mine clog with this setup. I suspect you currently put off draining it because removing the plug is such a PITA.
                      Ok; thanks to all for some nice idea's. I think I will go with the setup like Patrick has and will drain much more often. Thanks again;Larry

                      LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


                      • Joe R.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • May 31, 2006
                        • 1822

                        Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                        Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
                        Patrick: Nice idea but I noticed sometimes when I remove the Pipe Plug nothing comes out because of some blockage of whatever on the bottom of the tank. When I stick an ice pick in the hole it brakes up and then the water starts flowing. With the 90 degree bend you have I could not do this. Maybe if I drained it more often it would not happen. Thoughts?? Larry

                        How old is your air compressor? With that much rust I would be concerned that the tank could explode soon. I would recommend giving replacement some serious thought. The tank really should be drained each day the compressor is used. Have you considered an automatic drain? I can provide more info on that if you are interested.



                        • Larry E.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • November 30, 1989
                          • 1635

                          Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                          [QUOTE=Joe Raine (45823);745217]Larry,

                          How old is your air compressor? . Have you considered an automatic drain? I can provide more info on that if you are interested.

                          Joe: Thanks for the comments. My Sears Model 106 (Bought New) is about 30 Years old. Not used much as others.Still has the original belt on! Some of my friends
                          have a lot older ones then this. Never heard of one to explode but it could I suspect. Anyway got my "Ball Valve" and will install shortly. Will drain
                          more often. Larry

                          LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


                          • John H.
                            Beyond Control Poster
                            • November 30, 1997
                            • 16513

                            Re: Question on one of our "Tools" when we work on our Corvettes.

                            Same here - a few pieces of hardware store pipe and elbows and a ball valve - screws into the bottom of the tank, just open the valve.



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