71 Corvette Radiator Shroud

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  • Seth G.
    • March 1, 1987
    • 116

    71 Corvette Radiator Shroud

    I want to confirm if the factory original radiator shroud for a 71 Corvette, base engine, automatic with Air (Copper Radiator) had a two-piece radiator shroud. Can anyone please confirm this? Also, was the copper radiator that with the small block automatic with air the same size as the Copper Radiator used in the LS-5? Thank you!
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: 71 Corvette Radiator Shroud

    Originally posted by Seth Gordon (11084)
    I want to confirm if the factory original radiator shroud for a 71 Corvette, base engine, automatic with Air (Copper Radiator) had a two-piece radiator shroud. Can anyone please confirm this? Also, was the copper radiator that with the small block automatic with air the same size as the Copper Radiator used in the LS-5? Thank you!


    The radiator shroud used for your application was GM #3956109. For your application extension GM #3956118 may have also been used. Those were the only 2 pieces involved.

    The small block copper/brass radiator was not the same as that used for LS-5. The small block radiator was somewhat smaller than the big block. Among other differences was the fact that the small block radiator incorporated a filler on the right side tank whereas the big block radiator had no filler on the radiator, at all, and used an external supply tank.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Seth G.
      • March 1, 1987
      • 116

      Re: 71 Corvette Radiator Shroud

      Thank you Joe. Very helpful.


      • Michael B.
        Very Frequent User
        • January 20, 2014
        • 187

        Re: 71 Corvette Radiator Shroud


        The big block radiator core measures 27.5 inches wide, while the small block is 26.5 inches. The core supports, and the top retainer brackets are different.



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