I have the complete carpet kit from Al Knoch, I am starting with the rear inner fenders, the carpet panels have basically looking at the front and rear edges of each panel, one end is irregular shaped, the other is more straight, I am thinking the irregular goes to the front, also the drain hose that goes from the vent box to the wheel opening, how was that done, a slice at the top then cut the hole in the carpet, or just the hole then reconnect the hose?, the last question the rear carpet panel folds and continues as the bottom, where it goes wall to wall at the rear is there a foam piece a cardboard piece or something that fills the rear body mount area?, as it is now I have a depression back in that corner and nothing to fill it to make it level, I am starting to think 3 years ago when I took it all apart something was missing, I checked the assembly manual it doesn't show anything that I see, once past this part it looks somewhat simple, a little direction would really help thanks, Ron
carpet install question on 71 coupe
Re: carpet install question on 71 coupe
Hi Ron,
The straighter cut is in the rear of the wheel well carpet piece.
The more irregular cut gets tucked in the tight gap between the rear side of the seat bulkhead and the forward end of the fiberglass wheel well.
I used a plastic paint scraper to help 'ease' the carpet into that gap.
Here's a picture of the underside of the original wheel well carpet from my 71. It shows the round cut and 'slit' for the astro plenum drain tube, the oval hole for the shoulder harness reel mounting, and also 'slit' for the bracket for the harness reel cover.
While installing the piece of carpet don't forget to locate the holes for the footman loops that mount on the top of the wheel well to the rear of the reel mount.
Good Luck!
The area of the 'tuck' looking from the rear compartment side.
The drain tube.
Underside left side carpet..
Hole for reel attachment and slit for bracket.
Hole and slit for drain tube.
71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
Mason Dixon Chapter
Chapter Top Flight October 2011- Top
Re: carpet install question on 71 coupe
Alan, thank you for the reply with the photos they answer a few questions and do help alot, the only question I still have is what if anything but the carpet fills that void area at the far rear, the one that has the body mount well with the bolt in it?, I have looked at a lot of photos some install rear speakers there, but I just want it as built new, something has to cover the void or fill it so the rear carpet has something to attach to at the ends- Top