Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning - NCRS Discussion Boards

Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

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  • Domenic T.
    • January 28, 2010
    • 2452

    Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

    I bought a A-6 compressor and want to put the warning sticker on it. Should not be a big deal but couldn't find a picture as to the average placement. They were put on by hand and may have varied but thought it would NE nice to see a picture if someone has the time.

  • Harry S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 2002
    • 5204

    Re: Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

    Dom, here ya go.....................

    Also, look at the spelling?
    Attached Files


    • Domenic T.
      • January 28, 2010
      • 2452

      Re: Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

      Thanks for the pic. I need to see a pic of one under the foil sticker also. I will keep that picture because I found a compressor like yors for my 63, the one with metal spot welded lable on it. Don't see them like yours much. You have a great one. I will do mine like your picture. The warning stickers I bought were yellow and I thought they were supposed to be red.


      • Wayne M.
        • February 29, 1980
        • 6414

        Re: Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

        Harry --- here's an early '64, rear head cast J-18-3. Not off a Corvette (think I was told it was from a '64 Belair, but my Spanish wasn't up to snuff at Pomona). I have another compressor with same decal, back head cast I-15-4, so looks like they were using it for at least 11 months.

        Notice swaged/necked front flange on the barrel, and the yellow OK stamp. All warning labels in this time frame I've seen are an orange decal. The repros mis-spell"refrigerant" (ref. Noland's pg.61)

        .302 rear head cast J-18-3.jpg


        • Domenic T.
          • January 28, 2010
          • 2452

          Re: Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

          Wayne & Harry,
          just what I needed. Paragon sent all yellow warning stickers. I will look at the spelling and try to find the orange stickers.



          • Harry S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 2002
            • 5204

            Re: Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

            Dom, I don't know if there was a crossover date during the 63 or 64 model year from non-foil to foil. It is possible that the foil is unique to the start of the 1964 model year production.


            • Domenic T.
              • January 28, 2010
              • 2452

              Re: Could use a A/C compressor picture of a late 63 or 64 foil sticker warning

              I agree. I did a late 63 that had the metal tags removed sometime in it's life. The owner had a early 64 and put foil sticker with the warning. Seems like that was the case. I have a metal tag compressor that says model 6550108 and a 3.5/ 4.0 R-12 cap.
              The model # and cap will be a red flag for a vette.



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