67 390 hsp w/AC valve cover bolt size please.... - NCRS Discussion Boards

67 390 hsp w/AC valve cover bolt size please....

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  • John R.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 2005
    • 433

    67 390 hsp w/AC valve cover bolt size please....

    Can someone tell me the size of the valve cover bolts on a 67 390 hsp engine. Anything special about the bolts for an AC car?
  • Keith B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 15, 2014
    • 1562

    Re: 67 390 hsp w/AC valve cover bolt size please....

    If you have a radio the bolts that hold the ground straps from the spark plug wires are longer and unpainted. Also the foward ground strap for the spark plug wire on the passinger side is moved back to the second one back. It's all shown in the AIM under RPO U69.


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: 67 390 hsp w/AC valve cover bolt size please....

      Originally posted by John Richter (44814)
      Can someone tell me the size of the valve cover bolts on a 67 390 hsp engine. Anything special about the bolts for an AC car?
      John -

      They're 1/4"-20 (7/16" hex head); nothing special about the bolts on an A/C car.


      • John R.
        Very Frequent User
        • October 31, 2005
        • 433

        Re: 67 390 hsp w/AC valve cover bolt size please....

        Much appreciated, John.


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