1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance - NCRS Discussion Boards

1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

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  • Bryan H.
    • August 31, 2004
    • 120

    1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

    My esteemed colleagues ..I have a 1965 350 HP Car (coupe) with A/C. We believe the car also had power steering for 2 reasons. An extra pulley wheel on the crank and a bracket underneath on the frame to hole the cylinder arm.
    Does anyone have a 350HP with A/C and power assist?
    Doe anyone have pictures of the pulley wheel and a picture of the engine bay? I do not want to place the wrong pulley wheel on this car . Your help will allow me to do the right thing for my coupe Bryan Hepper
  • Keith B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 15, 2014
    • 1562

    Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

    No pictures but the AIM will have drawings and part numbers that will help in this and just about any other question along the way. Also the Noland Adams book will have pictures. All can be found at the online NCRS store. While your there pick up the judging manual


    • Leif A.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 31, 1997
      • 3584

      Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

      This is a picture of my '67 L79 with A/C and power steering. I believe the '65 is the same setup. Not everyone has all the books and pictures at their disposal and I certainly understand that. Belt closest to the block is for the alternator, the middle pulley and belt is for the A/C and the outer most belt (closest to the fan) is for the power steering pump. Hope this helps.
      Attached Files
      '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
      Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


      • Bryan H.
        • August 31, 2004
        • 120

        Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

        Leif Thanks .. Yes all my books are packed away we just moved in. I have done a bit of research in my books before asking the question. The assembly diagrams and Noland's book do not delineate a 65 HP set up with both A/C and power assisted steering. This isn't truly power but the slave cylinder. Quite bit on 1965 were for 65 only.My concerns mostly are with the correct Pulley wheel. some info points to a single belt cast iron pulley Wheel for 350 HP. but I have not seen an actual picture of a 350HP with A/c and power steering. just trying to do it right the first time. Thanks


        • William H.
          Very Frequent User
          • February 28, 1999
          • 249

          Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

          Please do a search on previous archives and you will find pictures and info on the pulley part numbers. You can search for My name and probably find it. Here is a link in case you can't.https://www.forums.ncrs.org/showthre...William+Holder The pictures were supplied by various members Please read the entire post though because opinions on what is correct go back and forth. I ended up using an original PS Pulley that Joe Randolph found for me on E Bay. 3868892 It is shallow groove while the two back groves on the crank puilley are deep groove. The correct part number for the add on PS crank Pulley is aparently 3827843 while the deep groove two groove base crank pully is p/n 3858533. Hope this helps


          • Joseph T.
            Very Frequent User
            • February 28, 1986
            • 169

            Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

            The Lower Engine pulley on the 65 w/AC and PS is a two-piece stamped steel pulley and the PS pump pulley is also steel.


            • Joseph T.
              Very Frequent User
              • February 28, 1986
              • 169

              Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

              Better picture of the lower Engine pulley


              • Bryan H.
                • August 31, 2004
                • 120

                Re: 1965 350 HP A/C power steering pictures assistance

                thanks everyone, at least now I know now that I did not know. Better than thinking you know when you don't. L79 350 HP with A/c and power steering took the stamped steel pulley rather than the cast deep groove. Joe Lucia has pointed this out in a previous search years ago > part #3868892. Now I can search or at least know I will be placing into service a suitable replacement. Bryan Hepper


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