67' Pittman Arm Finish?

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  • Dave K.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 24, 2013
    • 278

    67' Pittman Arm Finish?

    Is the finish on the Pittman arm a natural cast finish or semi gloss black? The judging guide states the steering box can be a natural cast finish or semi gloss black but i see no mention about the Pittman arm. Also were most of the steering boxes for a 1967 natural cast?? At judging meets I see mostly natural cast...not the semi gloss black.
  • Enzo C.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 12, 2012
    • 531

    Re: 67' Pittman Arm Finish?

    Dave, I just rebuilt my steering box and went natural finish on both .... Don't forget the yellow marks on the top of the steering box
    Enzo Colosimo
    Ncrs Ontario Chapter Chairman 🇨🇦


    • Mark M.
      Very Frequent User
      • October 22, 2008
      • 327

      Re: 67' Pittman Arm Finish?

      Dave, John Hinckley answered this again recently in these forums. The power steering arms where put on in St. Louis and where natural. If the car had standard steering they where sprayed hanging from the pitman and idler with relay assembly . He mentioned they where sprayed in Chevrolet-Buffalo plant with a sticky black spray that may have been thin and easily wash off. The posts should be easy to find.Good luck Mark


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