Taillight Housing Plating/Finish - NCRS Discussion Boards

Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

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  • Roger D.
    • May 4, 2008
    • 301

    Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

    As part of my ongoing 1972 Coupe restoration, could someone tell me what type of finish or plating should be on the rear taillight housings? My passenger side taillight housings appear to be galvanized while the driver side housings appear to have a thin coat of silver paint. I performed a search on the forum but could not come up with the answer.

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

    Originally posted by Roger Dupler (48990)
    As part of my ongoing 1972 Coupe restoration, could someone tell me what type of finish or plating should be on the rear taillight housings? My passenger side taillight housings appear to be galvanized while the driver side housings appear to have a thin coat of silver paint. I performed a search on the forum but could not come up with the answer.



    Galvanized steel is all that I've seen. However, I suppose it's possible something else was used. Of course, it's also possible that someone tried to "restore" your silver-painted example.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Bill L.
      • January 31, 2004
      • 1403

      Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

      All four of the the tail light housings were galvanized on my 70. Held up pretty well for 45 years.



      • Alan S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1989
        • 3413

        Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

        I've often wondered about the white paint on the inside have the housing.
        It seems quite thick, is flat in sheen, and yet appears to have a quality intended to increase the effective brightness that the bulb generated.
        Was it something special?

        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
        Mason Dixon Chapter
        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


        • Steve L.
          Very Frequent User
          • June 30, 2001
          • 763

          Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

          I was wondering the same thing since my paint is flakey and powdery and should be refinished

          Originally posted by Alan Struck (15579)
          I've often wondered about the white paint on the inside have the housing.
          It seems quite thick, is flat in sheen, and yet appears to have a quality intended to increase the effective brightness that the bulb generated.
          Was it something special?

          Steve L
          73 coupe since new
          Capital Corvette Club
          Ottawa, Canada


          • Alan S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 1989
            • 3413

            Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

            Hi Steve,
            I ended up using some appliance white.
            It seemed to be the 'brightest' white I could find.
            I held the can far back so the paint sprayed 'dry' which seemed to match the texture pretty well too.
            71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
            Mason Dixon Chapter
            Chapter Top Flight October 2011


            • Bill L.
              • January 31, 2004
              • 1403

              Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

              HI Alan,

              Pretty sure you saw my repainted housings at the house. The results were excellentI and looked exactly like the factory by using flat white hi temp primer and then Flat White Hi temp top coat both by VHT.



              • Alan S.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • July 31, 1989
                • 3413

                Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                Hi Bill,
                I don't really remember them, but the combination you used sounds like a good one.
                It's one of those opportunities that a thorough restoration affords a restorer; to do the best job he can on any part even if it gets covered-up/hidden during reassembly!

                I thought I had a line on an original shim bag but it hasn't arrived yet, so it may not. I was thinking I would pass it along to you.
                71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
                Mason Dixon Chapter
                Chapter Top Flight October 2011


                • Bob I.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • November 8, 2006
                  • 265

                  Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                  I found that the gaskets were also painted on my 1970.
                  Attached Files


                  • Alan S.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • July 31, 1989
                    • 3413

                    Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                    Hi Bob,
                    I didn't see any paint on the lens side of the gasket but some had transferred to the housing side of the gasket on my 71.
                    Also, the white finish was apparently fresh enough that the raised numbers on the lenses near the screw holes left imprints in the housing paint when they were assembled.

                    See white paint on raised numbers.

                    See numeral imprints in the paint near the holes.
                    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
                    Mason Dixon Chapter
                    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


                    • Roger D.
                      • May 4, 2008
                      • 301

                      Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                      Folks. Sorry, I've been away from the PC for a few days. Thanks for all the replies. Is having the part re-galvanized a valid option to preserve one of these original housings? I don't know where you would go to have something like that done or if the cost is even worth being able to keep the original part. Having not seen a new replacement, I don't what the trade-off would be. Any thoughts?



                      • Alan S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • July 31, 1989
                        • 3413

                        Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                        Hi Roger,
                        Because so little of the housing can be seen when installed I think I'd spray it with the cold galvanizing compound to give it somewhat the original appearance and install it!

                        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
                        Mason Dixon Chapter
                        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


                        • Joe L.
                          Beyond Control Poster
                          • January 31, 1988
                          • 43160

                          Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                          Originally posted by Roger Dupler (48990)
                          Folks. Sorry, I've been away from the PC for a few days. Thanks for all the replies. Is having the part re-galvanized a valid option to preserve one of these original housings? I don't know where you would go to have something like that done or if the cost is even worth being able to keep the original part. Having not seen a new replacement, I don't what the trade-off would be. Any thoughts?



                          If I recall correctly, these lamp housings were fabricated from PRE-GALVANIZED sheet metal. That finish would be virtually impossible to exactly duplicate.
                          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                          • Roger D.
                            • May 4, 2008
                            • 301

                            Re: Taillight Housing Plating/Finish

                            Originally posted by Alan Struck (15579)
                            Hi Roger,
                            Because so little of the housing can be seen when installed I think I'd spray it with the cold galvanizing compound to give it somewhat the original appearance and install it!
                            Thanks Alan. I've never used that before. Sounds like an interesting option. Do you have a cold galvanizing product you could recommend...and where I might find it?



                            • Alan S.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • July 31, 1989
                              • 3413

                              71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
                              Mason Dixon Chapter
                              Chapter Top Flight October 2011


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