Half Shaft Universal Joints

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  • Jimmy G.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1979
    • 968

    Half Shaft Universal Joints

    I am in the process of disassembling my 65 396. It has all the original U joints. The half shaft to rear axle flange universal will not come out. How in the world did GM get thm installed??? Caps are off, seals are out but geometrically, they can not be removed. I assume a torch will take care of removal and I know the replacements are different shaped so they can be installed. Never had a car with original joints before so anyone know a secret??
    Founder - Carolinas Chapter NCRS
  • Larry M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 1992
    • 2683



    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43133

      Re: Half Shaft Universal Joints

      Originally posted by Jimmy Gregg (2756)
      I am in the process of disassembling my 65 396. It has all the original U joints. The half shaft to rear axle flange universal will not come out. How in the world did GM get thm installed??? Caps are off, seals are out but geometrically, they can not be removed. I assume a torch will take care of removal and I know the replacements are different shaped so they can be installed. Never had a car with original joints before so anyone know a secret??


      During half shaft u-joint removal and installation, the flange MUST be supported with a fixture (or a spindle flange) bolted to the u-joint flange. If this is not done, you will almost invariably bend the flange. Among other problems, that will make the u-joint difficult to remove.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Bill W.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 1, 1980
        • 2000

        Re: Half Shaft Universal Joints

        Jim . My 396 also had its orig U joints and they were hard to get out even after the caps were removed . I found the flange had bent together when I was pressing the joint out . You can measure it against a good flange or put a square on the back side and across the flange where the spring ring goes . If its bent together its easy to repair . I used a long threaded rod with two nuts on the inside and heavy washers on the outside . Just position the washers in the U joint opening and tighten the nuts to spread the flange a little at a time I heated the flange with a heat gun until it was to hot to touch (safer than a torch). and measured it with a good flange .I let it cool over night . It took about 1/2 hour . I dont think the replacements are the same as the originals . I didnt have any problems with the axle shaft side . If needed I can take a picture .


        • John H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • December 1, 1997
          • 16513

          Re: Half Shaft Universal Joints

          Originally posted by Jimmy Gregg (2756)
          I am in the process of disassembling my 65 396. It has all the original U joints. The half shaft to rear axle flange universal will not come out. How in the world did GM get thm installed??? Caps are off, seals are out but geometrically, they can not be removed. I assume a torch will take care of removal and I know the replacements are different shaped so they can be installed. Never had a car with original joints before so anyone know a secret??

          Jimmy -

          Those outer U-joint flanges MUST be reinforced by bolting another flange on back-to-back or bolting on a special tool that does the same thing before pressing out the U-joints; if you don't do that, the flange will probably be bent from the press forces, which renders it useless.



          • Bill W.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 1, 1980
            • 2000

            Re: Half Shaft Universal Joints

            John .Thats what I needed


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