C7 Paint Issues

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  • Les G.
    • December 5, 2008
    • 158

    C7 Paint Issues

    I know this forum is mainly for older Corvettes, but I would like to let the members know of a problem with the new C7 Corvettes.
    It is a problem mostly associated with Blade Silver paint it is called Mottling. I noticed it on my car and found out that just about every owner of a Blade Silver C7 Corvette has the problem. GM is aware of this and they are correcting this from what I heard at the factory, but they are not doing anything for the owners of these vehicles. It is where the metallic in the paint is not evenly dispersed an the paint looks blochy. I can see it mainly on vertical surfaces such as my doors.
    I know we have a lot of paint experts in the group. Some of the owners are talking to GM about this but it seems if they are getting nowhere.
    I am trying to get my car over to the dealer, but the weather is the northeast has not been cooperating. Does any have any suggestions on have to get GM attention.
  • Tom H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1993
    • 3440

    Re: C7 Paint Issues

    I sure can't help much but have noticed that on several of my silver cars Ive had in inventory. I seem to have noticed it most on the coupes near the quarter window sail panel area.
    Tom Hendricks
    Proud Member NCRS #23758
    NCM Founding Member # 1143
    Corvette Department Manager and
    Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


    • Bill W.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 1, 1980
      • 2000

      Re: C7 Paint Issues

      I was a painter / body man for 40+ years most of them at Chevy dealers . If it were my car I would live with it . In the long run you will be happier


      • Robert D.
        Very Frequent User
        • April 1, 2003
        • 304

        Re: C7 Paint Issues

        I to have painted alot of cars and can tell you that silver is an extremely difficult color to evenly lay out especially with alot of metal flake in it. Heavy metallic paints are hard to lay out evenly and IMHO silver is the worst. The metal flake in the paint tends to settle and clump in the paint gun. Some companies even make guns that aggitate the paint as they spray to try and keep the metal flake evenly dispersed in the paint cup while spraying. I believe at the dealership and someone correct me if im wrong they spray out of the drum or at least big pressure pots which hold large quantities of paint which gives the paint and flake more time to settle which makes this problem worse. Many cars experience this. I agree with Bill if it is not to bad i would live with it. Can you post pictures so we could see the paint job.


        • Bill W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 1, 1980
          • 2000

          Re: C7 Paint Issues

          Hi Robert . In 40+ years I used a pressure pot one time , and never out of a drum . We did use HVPL guns . We always mixed our own paint as we needed it . With the invent of BCCC paint it takes about a quart of color to paint a Corvette . The rest is clear. I liked painting BC CC silver .The problem is when you start painting panels the extra clear will make that panel darker due to the extra clear thickness . Silver is the worst . The factory paint (even though it might not look great) is much tougher than the repaint would be .


          • Robert D.
            Very Frequent User
            • April 1, 2003
            • 304

            Re: C7 Paint Issues

            Bill, Thanx for clearing that up i have seen pics and videos of guys in the paint shops using pressure pots may not have been GM though my last post should of said factory not dealership. i agree thats the other problem with silver is the uneven darkening with the clear. with the metallic paints did you find you had to keep the paint gun aggitated to keep the metal flake evenly dispersed? when the flake comes out unevenly those spots with increase concentrations of flake usually look blotchier. i also agree that the factory paint is a much more durable paint job. the other problem would be trying to repaint just part of the car if the problem were say only on the hood trying to blend and match that paint would be a nightmare. a friend of mine once said "the enemy of good is better" every time something looks good and you try to improve it or tweek it you screw it up. at leaast in my life those are words to live by LOL


            • Bill L.
              • February 1, 2004
              • 1403

              Re: C7 Paint Issues

              With all due respect, I would ask GM to take the vette back for a full refund. They cost waaay too much to accept anything wrong with the paint.



              • Kevin G.
                • February 1, 2005
                • 1066

                Re: C7 Paint Issues

                Hi Les,

                Sorry to hear of your dissatisfaction with the paint job....IIRC, you had issues with a Benz and it's faulty paint?

                I actually feel the mottling paint work on my old cars are like a badge of honor! It shows the typical factory method of the time. We would hope to have seen improvements made over the years.......Which we have.
                Last edited by Kevin G.; February 21, 2015, 12:54 PM. Reason: sp


                • Steven S.
                  • November 1, 1995
                  • 151

                  Re: C7 Paint Issues

                  If a pressure pot or drum is used, there are air agitators attached that keep the product mixed. I have a C6 blade silver with no sign of mottling in the paint. Maybe an issue at factory with robot setup for that color.


                  • Jim D.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • July 1, 1985
                    • 2882

                    Re: C7 Paint Issues

                    Originally posted by Bill Lennox (41387)
                    With all due respect, I would ask GM to take the vette back for a full refund. They cost waaay too much to accept anything wrong with the paint.

                    I agree but he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place. Once you take delivery, you lose all leverage to have it repaired. Mottling paint is a result of application error. Simple as that. Done correctly, there should be no problem.


                    • Robert D.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • April 1, 2003
                      • 304

                      Re: C7 Paint Issues

                      I would like to see pictures of it to see the mottling. Just remember your done correctly and GM quality control done correctly may be a world apart. But patient satisfaction should be paramount


                      • Patrick H.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • December 1, 1989
                        • 11542

                        Re: C7 Paint Issues

                        Originally posted by Robert DeFalco (39668)
                        But patient satisfaction should be paramount
                        You a doctor?
                        Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                        71 "deer modified" coupe
                        72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
                        2008 coupe
                        Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                        • Robert D.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • April 1, 2003
                          • 304

                          Re: C7 Paint Issues

                          lol i am ment customer satisfaction


                          • John D.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • July 1, 1991
                            • 874

                            Re: C7 Paint Issues

                            Did not see any type of recent service bulletin on this issue. If the paint finish is defective it's covered under the limited warranty.


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