C2 (63) Roadster Vent Window Rechrome Recommendations - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 (63) Roadster Vent Window Rechrome Recommendations

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  • Lenny K.
    Frequent User
    • June 2, 2008
    • 53

    C2 (63) Roadster Vent Window Rechrome Recommendations

    I have already talked with Rich Fortier about doing the pair on my '63 restomod/custom and it is looking like about $650 for the pair. Does anyone else have recommendations for either redoing mine (pitted) or exchange units. Live in Prescott/Phoenix area of Arizona so a local option would be welcome. Want good quality for looks and durability but not NCRS flight quality.
  • James W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1990
    • 2620

    Re: C2 (63) Roadster Vent Window Rechrome Recommendations


    Charlie Santorelli (ChromeCity) does beautiful work but it is on the high side.

    Originally posted by Lenny Koll (49073)
    I have already talked with Rich Fortier about doing the pair on my '63 restomod/custom and it is looking like about $650 for the pair. Does anyone else have recommendations for either redoing mine (pitted) or exchange units. Live in Prescott/Phoenix area of Arizona so a local option would be welcome. Want good quality for looks and durability but not NCRS flight quality.


    • Michael G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 31, 1996
      • 1251

      Re: C2 (63) Roadster Vent Window Rechrome Recommendations

      I had mine done local here in Okc. I would guess within Prescott/Phoenix areas must be more than one plater who have the skills to get the job done. Have spoken with any of them ?


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