C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965 - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

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  • Keith W.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 30, 1998
    • 375

    C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

    Guys hope you can help or can point me in the right direction, took the car for an MOT test which once passed allows you to drive on the UK roads.
    The rear left hand side brake light does not work, ( indicator works bulb works when you switch the lights on) I've checked the bulb all OK I took the light out and cleaned the earthing wire, also checked the plastic plug all OK - any pointers cheers Keith
  • Domenic T.
    • January 28, 2010
    • 2452

    Re: C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

    Does your brake lite work on that side?



    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 15, 2008
      • 6940

      Re: C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

      Keith, The stop lamp wiring for both left and right run through the directional switch, Sounds like a switch problem, Take a look under the dash and make sure the wiring connections all look good first, sometimes things like wires get pushed out of the plastic holder.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Donald O.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 31, 1990
        • 1574

        Re: C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

        Your tail/brake lamps two filaments and either can fail while the other will work. Try a new brake/tail lamp. The two loacating or lamp base retaining pins are not at the same distance from the base bottom, they are offset to allow for only one way insertion. There are also two hot nubs (contact points) on the lamp base bottom, one for tail lamps and one for brake lamps.

        If the lamp is new and good, use a DVM to see if there is voltage at both pins
        Pull the light switch to ON and check for voltage at both contacts in the socket, it should only be at one.
        Have someone step on the brake and check for voltage at the other contact.

        If NO voltage on the brake contact in the socket trace back to find the open in the brake light circuit

        The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.


        • Keith W.
          Very Frequent User
          • June 30, 1998
          • 375

          Re: C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

          Dom - No brake light only indicator and when you pull the light switch on


          • Domenic T.
            • January 28, 2010
            • 2452

            Re: C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965


            QUOTE=Keith Willcox (30641);732233]Dom - No brake light only indicator and when you pull the light switch on[/QUOTE]

            check the bulb and see if the brake side is bad. then take a test lite and check the socket with someone operating the brake. With the lights on uou should lite the test lite at both terminals.
            If only the tail lite and no brake lite, then follow the instructions on the earlier posts.



            • Keith W.
              Very Frequent User
              • June 30, 1998
              • 375

              Re: C2 electrical fault - brake light and indicator 1965

              Thanks guys gives me something to do tommorow if the snow keeps off

              Cheers Keith


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