1958 Transmission Tunnel Holes - NCRS Discussion Boards

1958 Transmission Tunnel Holes

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  • Thomas H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 31, 2005
    • 1049

    1958 Transmission Tunnel Holes

    Were these factory holes? What are they for?

    Picture is taken looking up from the bottom of the tunnel where the bell housing would be.


    1958, 283/245, White/red - Top Flight, October 2016
    1960, Black/black, 283/230 4sp
    1966, Black/Red, 327/350 4sp w/AC
    1967, 427/390, 4sp, Goodwood Green, Coupe
    1971 LS5, 4sp, coupe, Bridgehampton Blue
    2007 Z06, Lemans Blue

    Newsletter Editor, Delaware Valley Chapter
  • Jerry C.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1995
    • 741

    Re: 1958 Transmission Tunnel Holes

    Story that I have heard is they were to get to bolts on powerglide cars. I have had 10 58-60 cars and three had these holes.


    • Pat H.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 30, 1996
      • 411

      Re: 1958 Transmission Tunnel Holes

      My 59 PG has the same holes


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