Need pictures for 1964 rear fresh air vent system

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  • Jerry K.
    Frequent User
    • December 1, 1981
    • 93

    Need pictures for 1964 rear fresh air vent system

    Assembling a 1964 couple, can't find picture of rear fresh air assembly in assembly manual or Nolan Adams... Have blower motor, square duct and elbow to exhaust air ??? what go between square duct and elbow ?????...
  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: Need pictures for 1964 rear fresh air vent system

    Originally posted by Jerry Koryciak (5099)
    Assembling a 1964 coupe, can't find picture of rear fresh air assembly in assembly manual or Nolan Adams... Have blower motor, square duct and elbow to exhaust air ??? what go between square duct and elbow ?????...
    Jerry -- I only have the '65 AIM but the pages should be the same; UPC 1, sheet B11; UPC 1 ASM, sheet D8, D9 and D10. One end of the square duct (with the clamp) goes on the blower motor. The other end plugs right into the square-ish hole in the roof duct. What is the elbow you refer to ? Is it that 1" dia. rubber hose with clamp that goes from the bottom of the roof duct to the wheelwell (to get rid of rain and car wash water).

    Of course, if your coupe is a tanker, there's none of these parts (except the roof duct with a special block-off plate, and the drain hose).



    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: Need pictures for 1964 rear fresh air vent system

      Here's an excellent package (by Dave Zuberer) on the coupe rear blower system.

      coupe rear blower components.pdf


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