66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets? - NCRS Discussion Boards

66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

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  • William B.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 1975
    • 939

    66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

    My 66 BB has wiring retainer clips on both fender side rails, that are loose and about to fall out. It looks like rosette rivets holding the clips. Can not find replacements in any of the catalogs? Anyone have a source?
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , roisette rivetts?

    Originally posted by William Bryan (291)
    My 66 BB has wiring retainer clips on both fender side rails, that are loose and about to fall out. It looks like rosette rivets holding the clips. Can not find replacements in any of the catalogs? Anyone have a source?
    Bill -

    They shouldn't be rosette-head rivets unless it was a plant error - they should be ordinary round-head pop rivets.


    • Marco H.
      • February 28, 2002
      • 218

      Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , roisette rivetts?

      I have seen '66s with rosette rivets at that location. As John stated, that had to be a plant error.


      • Wayne W.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 30, 1982
        • 3605

        Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

        Might have been an error but it was a very common error. I have seen many of them.


        • William B.
          Very Frequent User
          • April 30, 1975
          • 939

          Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

          I found in the 66 judging manual it calls for some with rosette rivets


          • Joe L.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • January 31, 1988
            • 43160

            Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

            George Barlos, a long-time employee of the St. Louis Corvette plant, used to talk about a situation where some plant employees incorrectly used the rosette rivets for other than VIN plate attachment. Apparently, it took awhile before the "error of their ways" was discovered and corrected.
            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


            • William B.
              Very Frequent User
              • April 30, 1975
              • 939

              Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

              question still is can I purchase rosette rivets to return car as delivered? Or should I change to the round rivets?


              • John H.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • November 30, 1997
                • 16513

                Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

                Originally posted by William Bryan (291)
                question still is can I purchase rosette rivets to return car as delivered? Or should I change to the round rivets?
                Bill -

                Given the outrageous going price for rosette rivets (which are illegal to possess or sell), I'd go with the regular rivets and move on.


                • Russ S.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • April 30, 1982
                  • 2158

                  Re: 66 BB side rails, engine compartment , rosette rivets?

                  I have taken a regular round rivet and carefully ground it into a rosette. You might try that.
                  Originally posted by William Bryan (291)
                  question still is can I purchase rosette rivets to return car as delivered? Or should I change to the round rivets?


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