Looking for pictures of original pistons for 67 435 ? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Looking for pictures of original pistons for 67 435 ?

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  • Anthony S.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 1998
    • 156

    Looking for pictures of original pistons for 67 435 ?

    Members, looking for some pictures of the top, etc., of original pistons for 435 1967 cars (even other HP could do). Purhaps a block with installed pistions, wihout heads, would do? Any assistance appriciated. Something that also clearly shows any stampings on the pistons would be most helpful.

    ( Also see a related thread which provided great commentary related to this......


    Thanks Tony
  • Anthony S.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 1998
    • 156

    Re: Looking for pictures of original pistons for 67 435 ?

    Hi! still looking for info.....Even if anyone knows what the stampings on the top of pistons for original factory cars was, that would
    be great information !...thx T


    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 31, 1992
      • 15536

      Re: Looking for pictures of original pistons for 67 435 ?

      Send John McRae an email through the TDB. A few years ago he measured the dome volume of OE SHP 427 pistons and found it was different than the Speed Pro catalog spec. He may also have photos.

      If he sends you photos and specs post them here for future reference.



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