Ok, update if you have been following my vac can post question. I now have removed the electronic pointless module that failed, checked all circuitry, installed the correct vac can (236 from LIC), new points & condenser, and installed coil correctly. Engine fired right up on first try!
what is correct idle speed setting?
what is correct dwell setting?
what is correct timing setting?
i recall all above is to be set when engine is at operating temperature, the vac can hose disconnected and pluged. Is this correct?
i have a dial in advance timing gun if that helps.
Thanks and apologies for the basic questions, but sometimes you guys know better ways or tricks.
what is correct idle speed setting?
what is correct dwell setting?
what is correct timing setting?
i recall all above is to be set when engine is at operating temperature, the vac can hose disconnected and pluged. Is this correct?
i have a dial in advance timing gun if that helps.
Thanks and apologies for the basic questions, but sometimes you guys know better ways or tricks.