63 Stamped frame ID.Frame P/N paint method and type of paint.,engine block paint, - NCRS Discussion Boards

63 Stamped frame ID.Frame P/N paint method and type of paint.,engine block paint,

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  • Robert B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 29, 1992
    • 260

    63 Stamped frame ID.Frame P/N paint method and type of paint.,engine block paint,

    So i have a few questions.The frame vin # is virtual impossible to read unless I use magnification and at that I can only read a couple of #s. Should I re stamp and if so what size characters ?
    I am getting ready to put the stenciled p/n on and was wondering the method of accomplishing it. white spray paint, rolled white paint, INK ?
    what is the best methon of painting the engine block and with what product. gotta use a spray can .thanks
  • Bob R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 2002
    • 1595

    Re: 63 Stamped frame ID.Frame P/N paint method and type of paint.,engine block paint,

    I would leave the frame vin as it is. There is nothing to be gained by tampering with it and it could cause issues for a future buyer. I tried to spray the stencil and found the paint didn't cover very well. I used a small foam roller and liked the results. You don't mention if the body is on or not I used spray cans to paint the engine while it was in place but if the body is off it might be better to buy a quart of paint and use a spray gun.


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