Convertible Side & Vent Glass Etching - NCRS Discussion Boards

Convertible Side & Vent Glass Etching

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  • Ralph B.
    • July 30, 2008
    • 178

    Convertible Side & Vent Glass Etching

    Which side of the glass is usually etched (inside or outside)? I'm ordering new side and vent window glass and prefer to have all etched on the inside; however readable from the outside. Thank you, Ralph
  • Ed S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 6, 2014
    • 1370

    Re: Convertible Side & Vent Glass Etching

    Hope this helps. If you were to use my 64 convertible as a guide the answer to your question is "yes". While I cannot be 100% certain, I am highly confident that my car has all original glass.

    This is what I have:

    Windshield - etching is on the outside, lower right corner of the passenger side
    Driver vent and main door window: Etching on both is on the inside, but readable from the outside, meaning lettering goes from left to right. If you view the etching from inside the car it appears as if it were a mirror image.

    Passenger vent and main door window: Etching on both is on the outside, and readable from the inside.

    Again, I am very confident that my car has all original glass. I'm interested in reading comments from others to see if my glass configuration is katty-wampus or "correct"


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