Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

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  • Rich C.
    • December 31, 1993
    • 383

    Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

    I was curious how many NCRS members subscribe to any of the Corvette magazines that are left. Personally I REALLY like "Corvette Magazine", so much that I was buying up old issues at Carlisle. I also still subscribe to "Vette Vues", pretty much for sentimental reasons. Kinda thin recently!

    1973 LS-4 454 coupe owned 24 years
    1996 LT-4 Collector Edition coupe owned 13 months
    Sierra Nevada Torpedo-currently on tap!
  • Michael F.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 31, 1992
    • 745

    Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

    rarely, maybe once a year at best and only for c5/6 zo6 stuff. My 60-70s mags have better articles than anything put out today on the c1,2,3 cars.

    70 Mulsanne Blue LT-1
    03 Electron Blue Z06


    • Alan S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 1989
      • 3413

      71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
      Mason Dixon Chapter
      Chapter Top Flight October 2011


      • Michael F.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 31, 1992
        • 745

        Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

        can't stay in business when nobody buys.

        70 Mulsanne Blue LT-1
        03 Electron Blue Z06


        • Don L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 31, 2005
          • 1004

          Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

          FWIW, I subscribe to Corvette Magazine. I also get Hemmings Musclecar and American Car Collector. I understand the comments about the antiquity of the hard print magazine format, however, I fly quite a bit for business and the hard print mags work well for me.
          Don Lowe
          NCRS #44382
          Carolinas Chapter


          • Roger W.
            Very Frequent User
            • January 28, 2008
            • 563

            Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

            I get "VETTE". Originally I was getting "Corvette Fever" (still have the first issue around someplace) but that stopped publication and "VETTE" replaced it. There have been a few good articles regarding C1's in "VETTE". I still like a paper magazine.


            • Gene M.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • March 31, 1985
              • 4232

              Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

              No specific Corvette magazines but, Hemmings Musclecar and American Car Collector is a great deal at Carlisle at $12 each for a year. A dollar an issue is hard to beat for a quality publication with very little advertisement. But I do save all my old, old Corvette magazines from the 70's thru early 90's. I must have just about every Corvette book specific to c1,c2, & early c3 printed too.


              • Loren L.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • April 30, 1976
                • 4104

                Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                Corvette Magazine and Hemmings. I also get a couple of others, offered to me as a "former subscriber" at $7 or $8 per year; these, though, have recently DOUBLED in monthly value.....they now run an ad from Harbor Freight with a 20% or 25% OFF coupon.


                • Lawrence M.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • January 31, 1995
                  • 404

                  Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                  Corvette Magazine and Vette Vues. Vette Vues is worth it just for the Factory Facts Column, although it's not in the September issue. I do miss Corvette Enthusiast especially John Hinkleys aticles. I also subscribe to Hemmings, Hemmings Classic, Hemmings Muscle Car and Muscle Car Review. No I do not like the electronic versions of magazines. I much prefer the "hard copy".
                  2002 Z51 Convertible
                  1969 L46 Convertible


                  • Jim D.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 30, 1985
                    • 2882

                    Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                    The Corvette Enthusiast was the only one I subscribed to for the last decade or so. Now that it's gone, there's nothing out there that's worth the paper it's printed on so to answer the OP's question - No!


                    • Barry H.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • April 30, 1976
                      • 213

                      Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                      Now I still subscribe to the "On Solid Ground" magazine from the Straight Axle Club, one fine magazine for the early Corvettes, edited by Ken Amrick. I also mourn the loss of Corvette Enthusiast Magazine & John Hinkley's Articles. He has helped more restorations with the "no BS" descriptions & pictures of how the cars were assembled.
                      I still have all the old CE editions in a file, next to the Restorer & Driveline. Barry Holmes


                      • Rich C.
                        • December 31, 1993
                        • 383

                        Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                        Originally posted by Jim Durham (8797)
                        The Corvette Enthusiast was the only one I subscribed to for the last decade or so. Now that it's gone, there's nothing out there that's worth the paper it's printed on so to answer the OP's question - No!
                        I had a subscription to "Corvette Enthusiast" when they were around, and yes John's articles were the BEST part of it. I'd be surprised if you liked "CE" you wouldn't like "Corvette Magazine", they don't bash NCRS types and actually feature a number of members cars. The photography is the best I've seen yet! If they added a column by would be perfect!

                        1973 LS-4 454 coupe owned 24 years
                        1996 LT-4 Collector Edition coupe owned 13 months
                        Sierra Nevada Torpedo-currently on tap!


                        • John D.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • November 30, 1979
                          • 5507

                          Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                          I have been subscribing to Vette Vues since 1979 or so. Also belong to Solid Axle Club and enjoy reading It. Of course I enjoy the Restorer.
                          It seems guys have lost interest in reading magazines. Today is nothing like it used to be. I am the only one in my family and friends that still gets the morning newspaper. I read it most every day.
                          But on the other hand I have a ton of magazines that I have never taken the wrapper off. Have little desire to. I stopped getting Hemmings for the same reason.
                          Lost interest even though my avocation and vocation are the same so to speak. Must be a sign of old age don't you think.
                          The trouble with getting Corvette magaines is the fact that then we are bound by an act of God to hord the things and keep them forever in order.
                          All that does is cause clutter around my shack. Complete waste of time.
                          Now say I give them to my son to sell at the Carlisle events. That won't work anymore as no one buys them. And they weigh a ton. So he refuses to take them.

                          I have 99% of NCRS "Restorers and Drivelines. Whew!!!!!


                          • Tom B.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • February 28, 1978
                            • 720

                            Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                            I only get The Restorer, Driveline and On Solid Ground from the SACC. I still get a couple of other car mags that I have subscribed to for over 50 years but I'm beginning to loose interest in them due to content that I'm interested in. This is partially their fault since they all have websites now. I can read the features and tech article online that I care about. Why spend the money for the print version? Sadly, without print sales they may all go away. I can see a day when online subscriptions will be all that's available. No more free stuff on their sites.



                            • Stuart F.
                              • August 31, 1996
                              • 4676

                              Re: Do you still subscribe to any Corvette magazines (besides the Restorer)?

                              I still get a bunch of them; all of the Corvette mags except Vette Vues (too many mistakes w/captions & in written data), Autoweek (best racing coverage), Motor Trend (best auto industry coverage), Car and Driver (it's cheap, but I hate the snobs who write letters to the Editor, etc.), Hot Rod (best old "back in the day" coverage), Super Chevy (Doug Marion is old friend since Great Lakes Dragway days, still writing small column), Chevy High Performance (good engine articles), and our Central Florida "Cruise News", Road and Track (cheap) and others.

                              My problem is with small gray type fonts (my 20/50 vision in one eye, I need to use a magnifying glass). Also, so many articles are presented like the advertisements (so hard to follow with lots of glitzy photos and illustrations over laying the type). Also, TOO many ads!!

                              Stu Fox


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