66 convertible ac evaporator core - NCRS Discussion Boards

66 convertible ac evaporator core

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  • Paul M.
    Infrequent User
    • September 9, 2014
    • 13

    66 convertible ac evaporator core

    Since I have the body off the frame and the engine out, I decided to replace the HEATER CORE & AC EVAPORATOR CORE. I have taken the AC housing off the firewall and have taken all the screws out but the Evaporator doesn't seem to want to come out of its' housing. Is there a secret to sliding it out? Also, should I do anything to the STV since it has never been serviced?

  • Domenic T.
    • January 28, 2010
    • 2452

    Re: 66 convertible ac evaporator core

    Trying to remember. Taking all the screws out mean the (I think) 4 that hold it in position? Also there is a sticky thick tape that keeps the evaporator from rubbing that can keep it from moving, especially after it gets old and hardens.



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