Private Malone 66 BB

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  • Walter F.
    • October 23, 2006
    • 373

    Private Malone 66 BB

    Was wondering if anyone had info on the car used in the video with country singer David Ball titled Private Andrew Malone? Seems to be a 66 Big Block with off road exhausts and knock off rims.
  • Larry E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1989
    • 1628

    Re: Private Malone 66 BB

    Originally posted by Walter Francaviglia (46368)
    Was wondering if anyone had info on the car used in the video with country singer David Ball titled Private Andrew Malone? Seems to be a 66 Big Block with off road exhausts and knock off rims.
    I saw that video a couple of times. IIRC it was a L36 not
    a L72. Correct me if I am wrong. Larry

    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


    • Michael J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 27, 2009
      • 7031

      Re: Private Malone 66 BB

      Yes, an L36, low RPM redline on tach.
      Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


      • Jack M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 1, 1991
        • 1076

        Re: Private Malone 66 BB

        Originally posted by Walter Francaviglia (46368)
        Was wondering if anyone had info on the car used in the video with country singer David Ball titled Private Andrew Malone? Seems to be a 66 Big Block with off road exhausts and knock off rims.
        Sorry for the late response... I don't frequent the TDB as much as I'd like. Several years ago, I wrote a post regarding some background info about "Private Malone' and how it related to my '66 Corvette (CLICK HERE). At the time, they wanted my Vette for the video, but had no means of getting in touch with me. In the end, they contacted the 'Nashville Corvette Club' and were put in touch with Tim Artist (the owner of the '66 used in the video). If you are interested in the 'Behind the Scenes' video, CLICK HERE.

        Side Note: Somehow, they cracked the LR fender during the shoot... OUCH!

        Hope this helpz,


        • Walter F.
          • October 23, 2006
          • 373

          Re: Private Malone 66 BB

          How much does a company usually pay to use a members car? Who pays for the damage?


          • Jack M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 1, 1991
            • 1076

            Re: Private Malone 66 BB

            Originally posted by Walter Francaviglia (46368)
            How much does a company usually pay to use a members car? Who pays for the damage?
            I'm guessing it was up to individual negotiations... and I hope they made sure the film crew had insurance.


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