wiper motor rebuild and restoration; who? - NCRS Discussion Boards

wiper motor rebuild and restoration; who?

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  • Don W.
    • September 30, 1997
    • 492

    wiper motor rebuild and restoration; who?

    Who are the good contacts to restore a windshield wiper motor? Don
  • Keith R.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 2001
    • 660

    Re: wiper motor rebuild and restoration; who?

    I used Steve Hackel out of Midlothian, Ill. (708) 687-4183. 15000 S. Knox Ave. I hear that he does most of the Big Box restorations like Corvette Central and Paragon. $177 to restore the wiper motor. If you run a search in the forum, you'll see a lot of threads on this subject and a number of recommended vendors.
    Keith MacRae
    NCRS #36692
    New Mexico Chapter
    1960 290HP FI
    2013 427 Convertible

    Shade tree mechanic and
    B-52 pilot extraordinaire


    • Joe R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 1976
      • 4547

      Re: wiper motor rebuild and restoration; who?

      Steve Hackel is the one and only person that will do a great job time after time. Look no further!!!!!!



      • Lawrence M.
        Very Frequent User
        • January 31, 1995
        • 404

        Re: wiper motor rebuild and restoration; who?

        I would also recommend Steve Hackel. He did the washer pump on my 69 a couple years ago. Very happy with the work.
        2002 Z51 Convertible
        1969 L46 Convertible


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