Question re my vented gas cap

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  • Dave S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1992
    • 2911

    Re: Question re my vented gas cap

    Originally posted by Stephen del Rossi (49028)
    It's the elitists attitude here that prevents people who aren't part of the "clique" from asking intelligent questions. All it takes is one member making a non-substantive response, then the "teachers" pile on.

    For those who did respond above with some actual information, I thank you.
    Maybe you should take the time to understand what is being said here. You will get a lot more from this Forum if you do. There are very few, if any, elitists on this Forum.


    • Jerry W.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 27, 2009
      • 588

      Re: Question re my vented gas cap

      The comments and replies on this post sound like CF responses...Maybe they are among us


      • Stephen R.
        Very Frequent User
        • May 21, 2008
        • 302

        Re: Question re my vented gas cap

        Thanks again for the info. It's a 59. I replaced the tank a few years ago with one with baffles, but it still has the vent hose to the fill tube. What I found out on the CF (horrors), is that my cap may have a pressure spring type set up (similar to a radiator cap) under the card board gasket. I looked at the cap and that apparently is what it is. I didn't go too far as the cap in that area looked delicate.
        I asked the question because I had just purchased a non-vented cap and both caps pretty much looked the same inside and out except for the word "vented". I did some research and most of the "vented" caps appeared to have some kind of hole, mine didn't. Hence the question.


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