How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ? - NCRS Discussion Boards

How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

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  • Alton J.
    • June 19, 2011
    • 32

    How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

    Does this pad look original or restamp ?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Alton J.; August 26, 2014, 08:20 PM.
  • Alton J.
    • June 19, 2011
    • 32

    Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

    This car is a 1966 327 350 hp


    • Alton J.
      • June 19, 2011
      • 32

      Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

      139 views and no replies ?
      Whats up with that ?


      • Michael W.
        • March 31, 1997
        • 4290

        Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

        This pad looks very very familiar. Was it discussed somewhere just recently?


        • Alton J.
          • June 19, 2011
          • 32

          Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

          i tried to get some response from CF but not one reply.


          • Alton J.
            • June 19, 2011
            • 32

            Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

            Did i send you the email on this pad ?


            • Michael W.
              • March 31, 1997
              • 4290

              Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

              For once my memory was accurate, sort of.

              C1 & C2 Corvettes - Engine Pad Opinions Please - Am very interested in this triple black 66 and wonder if I could get some opinions on this engine pad, thanks :cheers:


              • Joe R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • July 31, 1976
                • 4547

                Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                OK, I'll bite!!!!! Two different blocks and the same number on each!!!! The same stamp on both blocks!
                You practicing the art of stamping blocks or what?????
                Even if one of those are real it has just been recorded as a restamp by half the NCRS judges on the face of the earth! What did you expect??????



                • Alton J.
                  • June 19, 2011
                  • 32

                  Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                  Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)
                  OK, I'll bite!!!!! Two different blocks and the same number on each!!!! The same stamp on both blocks!
                  You practicing the art of stamping blocks or what?????
                  Even if one of those are real it has just been recorded as a restamp by half the NCRS judges on the face of the earth! What did you expect??????

                  Im not practicing anything. The previous owner "Pugly" from the CF posted those two engine pics of one fake and one real original pad.
                  Im asking if the one that supposed to be original really is.

                  My first post of engine pads was of the supposedly original pad.


                  • Alton J.
                    • June 19, 2011
                    • 32

                    Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                    Al Greening , here I come ..


                    • James W.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • November 30, 1990
                      • 2620

                      Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?


                      I would advise you to buy some navel jelly and apply it to the pad with a cotton swab to get the stamp pad surface completely clean of all the surface rust and then repost the pictures. You might have to put the put navel jelly on it more than once to get it clean. I always follow up with some brake clean or electrical contact clean to get it clean and dry. You will want to do this if you plan to have Al Grenning make an affirmation on this stamp pad.


                      James West


                      • Alton J.
                        • June 19, 2011
                        • 32

                        Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                        Thanks James for that advise . Will do .


                        • Gene M.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • March 31, 1985
                          • 4232

                          Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                          Which block is in car with the serial number suffix of 6100913? Where is original block and where is the fake one?


                          • Alton J.
                            • June 19, 2011
                            • 32

                            Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                            Originally posted by Gene Manno (8571)
                            Which block is in car with the serial number suffix of 6100913? Where is original block and where is the fake one?
                            post # 7 click on link

                            The supposedly original motor is in my car its the pad without the paint ." pugly " deleted the "original" pad pic but its the same pic as i previously posted ..
                            Last edited by Alton J.; August 27, 2014, 01:09 PM.


                            • William F.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • June 9, 2009
                              • 1354

                              Re: How does this stamp pad look ? reststamp or original ?

                              Al will give his opinion , only if the car's owner asks for the opinion.


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