3859326 Delco

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  • Joseph K.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 168

    3859326 Delco

    Does anyone know where I can get a rebuild kit for this pump?
  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1976
    • 4546

    Re: 3859326 Delco


    Consult with Bill Mock. He can be reached thru this web site via personal message.



    • Joseph K.
      • March 1, 1980
      • 168

      Re: 3859326 Delco

      Thanks JR! I know that Mock is very knowledgeable on water pumps but am more interested in getting the correct parts for this rebuild so that I may perform the rebuild. Any factory part numbers that are out there to cover this rebuild would be appreciated. I will in fact contact Bill for his advice. Thanks again.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43133

        Re: 3859326 Delco

        Originally posted by Joseph Kirby (3261)
        Thanks JR! I know that Mock is very knowledgeable on water pumps but am more interested in getting the correct parts for this rebuild so that I may perform the rebuild. Any factory part numbers that are out there to cover this rebuild would be appreciated. I will in fact contact Bill for his advice. Thanks again.


        Most of the correct, original GM parts for your pump were discontinued "eons" ago. But, here are the part numbers for most of them:

        shaft assembly w/ bearing------GM #954860 discontinued 11/68

        rotor--------------------------------GM #3704164 discontinued 5/72

        backing plate----------------------GM #3782610 discontinued 10/71

        gasket------------------------------GM #3782611 discontinued 4/97; currently available under GM #12555493

        seal assembly---------------------GM 3756933 discontinued 2/72 replaced by GM #3927156 discontinued 10/76

        Actually, most of these parts are completely unseen so there's really no judging issue involved, at all. Brand new, high quality aftermarket parts are easily available.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Joe R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 1, 1976
          • 4546

          Re: 3859326 Delco

          The reason Bill Mock is so knowledgeable is he has been rebuilding water pumps for the last 40 years. Give him a call or private message on this channel.


          Originally posted by Joseph Kirby (3261)
          Thanks JR! I know that Mock is very knowledgeable on water pumps but am more interested in getting the correct parts for this rebuild so that I may perform the rebuild. Any factory part numbers that are out there to cover this rebuild would be appreciated. I will in fact contact Bill for his advice. Thanks again.


          • Keith B.
            Very Frequent User
            • March 7, 2008
            • 928

            Re: 3859326 Delco

            If you take your pump into a auto parts store you can request to have yours rebuilt by the supplier of the rebuilt units they sell. And you will get your orginal back. That's what I did for dads 427 pump


            • William M.
              • September 1, 1974
              • 113

              Re: 3859326 Delco

              The old saying is "You get what you pay for". This is true in water pump rebuilding also. You can get your water pump rebuilt for less than $100.00 and you would probably get a reman bearing(or a off-shore bearing) and shaft, inferior seals, a stamped steel impeller(not a cast iron impeller that the water pump originally came with), wrong backing plate and mis-matched backing plate bolts, wrong hub, hub height set wrong and a 90 day warranty. And you hope that they don't lose your original casting in all the handling. Your comments please.
              Bill Mock #93
              Phone918)333-0748, cell (918)214-5206
              Email: mockauto@aol.com


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