Pittman adjustment screw shims

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  • Ralph P.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1990
    • 253

    Pittman adjustment screw shims

    This question is probably for Gary Ramadei..... What is a source for the special shims used between the sector shaft and adjuster screw on a C2 steering box ? Also, what is the correct clearance & what are the symptoms of a problem in this area? I see shims listed as part of a rebuild kit, but, not as an individual item.
    I finally installed a rebuilt box I've had for years & believe I have the "high point" marks lined up per the manual . However, I did not do a "bench adjustment" ( my inch/lb torque wrench STARTS at 20 ). I don't remember any shims on the adjustment screw. Yeah, your first question is how I saw that part of the adjustment screw on a rebuilt & adjusted box?? Well, I had previously removed the cast iron cover to replace my incorrect aluminum part instead of changing out the box.... ...obviously destroying the adjustment . So,it may, or may not, need a shim.

    THANKS for any help!
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

    Originally posted by Ralph Phillips (11581)
    This question is probably for Gary Ramadei..... What is a source for the special shims used between the sector shaft and adjuster screw on a C2 steering box ? Also, what is the correct clearance & what are the symptoms of a problem in this area? I see shims listed as part of a rebuild kit, but, not as an individual item.
    I finally installed a rebuilt box I've had for years & believe I have the "high point" marks lined up per the manual . However, I did not do a "bench adjustment" ( my inch/lb torque wrench STARTS at 20 ). I don't remember any shims on the adjustment screw. Yeah, your first question is how I saw that part of the adjustment screw on a rebuilt & adjusted box?? Well, I had previously removed the cast iron cover to replace my incorrect aluminum part instead of changing out the box.... ...obviously destroying the adjustment . So,it may, or may not, need a shim.

    THANKS for any help!


    A shim kit was once available from GM under GM #605142. However, it was discontinued about 6 years ago. Where one obtains them now, I do not know. It might be possible to fabricate the shims from shim stock.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Timothy B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 1, 1983
      • 5173

      Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

      If you purchase the rebuild kits they have very thin shims and you use them along with the shim that's there now to tighten the clearance. I believe the spec is .001-.002 so it's a tight spec. If it's loose the I think the sector gear will lower into the worm gear when the box is exercised and the gear mesh will create wear in the straight ahead position. The box will not hold an adjustment.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43133

        Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

        Originally posted by Timothy Barbieri (6542)
        If you purchase the rebuild kits they have very thin shims and you use them along with the shim that's there now to tighten the clearance. I believe the spec is .001-.002 so it's a tight spec. If it's loose the I think the sector gear will lower into the worm gear when the box is exercised and the gear mesh will create wear in the straight ahead position. The box will not hold an adjustment.


        The aforementioned GM shim kit contained 4 shims of 0.063", 0.065", 0.067" and 0.069".
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Gary R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 1, 1989
          • 1789

          Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

          Hi Ralph.................The common kits do have a small selection of thin shims, 002-005" in size. They can be made out of shim stock as Joe mentioned and I suppose some vendors sell them outright. I have stock on them as well, probably more stock on 63-82 boxes then most in fact. The manual shows the shim check in an unloaded position. I load them when I set them to go along with the other mods I do. If you can't find them let me know, I can bring some to Carlisle if needed.


          • Gary R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • April 1, 1989
            • 1789

            Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

            Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)
            Timothy------The aforementioned GM shim kit contained 4 shims of 0.063", 0.065", 0.067" and 0.069".
            Joe...... Those were the thick shims that Saginaw used in the assembly. Typically the stock shims are loose anywhere from 004-010", although I have seen some very close but never any in the 001-002 range.


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • February 1, 1988
              • 43133

              Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

              Originally posted by Gary Ramadei (14833)
              Joe...... Those were the thick shims that Saginaw used in the assembly. Typically the stock shims are loose anywhere from 004-010", although I have seen some very close but never any in the 001-002 range.


              These are the only shims I can find that were ever available from GM/Saginaw in SERVICE.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Gary R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • April 1, 1989
                • 1789

                Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

                Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)
                Gary------These are the only shims I can find that were ever available from GM/Saginaw in SERVICE.
                Joe......... the kit shims do come with a thicker shim but it's undersize and I end up tossing them all in a box. If I need a stock type shim like you mentioned and can't find one I have to machine one up. Same for the lash nut, that is one part I haven't found, at least easily. It is a 7/16-20 thread but uses a 5/8 hex, not sure why they used a 5/8 hex instead of the common 11/16 nut but it's always a dead give away when checking a box someone was working on it, usually not too well either.


                • Ralph P.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • February 1, 1990
                  • 253

                  Re: Pittman adjustment screw shims

                  Thanks for the good info..... Gary, I appreciate the offer at Carlisle...I'll see what I can find & let you know.


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