Need a quick confirmation on throw out bearing and fork - NCRS Discussion Boards

Need a quick confirmation on throw out bearing and fork

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  • Dan D.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 5, 2013
    • 181

    Need a quick confirmation on throw out bearing and fork

    On a '72 4-speed; it looks like you use the same parts, no matter what the engine. Thanks, Dan
  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Need a quick confirmation on throw out bearing and fork

    I've had replacement (so called correct) clutch, pressure plate, throw out bearing, ball stud, and clutch fork position the adjustment swivel on pedal rod to close to max out to achieve a good petal with proper free play. I have no easy way to measure clutch disk and pressure plate. But I do measure a very slight difference in throw out bearing height. My fix for this was to make the rod to the clutch fork longer by 1 1/4 inches. I make the cut between the spring loop holes and add a section and weld. Grind smooth, paint and it looks original. I find this gives a centered adjustment and will take up for a lot of wear as miles mount up on clutch. By doing this all the travel and geometry of the system works well and "feel" good.

    I kinda think the so called replacement clutch parts are not "exactly" to GM original spec's.


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