Variants of 1977 to/and 1979 Crossed Flag Emblems

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  • Oliver B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1992
    • 556

    Variants of 1977 to/and 1979 Crossed Flag Emblems

    Hey, I have owned my 1977 Vette for more than 20 years now, but it seems I never much noticed the differences in its (own car and other 1977 to 1979's) emblem styles. It might make a nice Restorer-article if I can dig out enough details... Maybe you can help me!

    I don't have detail pictures at hand, so I will just use some drawn from the net...

    This is the style my car has on its nose:
    77 Front 1.jpg
    (source: ebay)
    ends are "curved upwards" and (most interestingly) the checkered flag ends in black corners.
    (Appears to be GM #379918)

    And this style is on the fenders and the gas door:
    77 Side and Gas Door 1.jpg
    (source ebay)
    more rectangular/"boxy" shape and right end of checkered flag ends in white corners!
    (Gas Door Emblem is GM #379935)

    Last edited by Oliver B.; August 6, 2014, 09:00 AM. Reason: GM #'s added
  • Oliver B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1992
    • 556

    Re: Variants of 1977 to/and 1979 Crossed Flag Emblems what's available from the parts vendors?

    Zip shows this one for 1977 to 1979 Nose:
    77 Front 2.jpg
    (Zip Products item-# T-312)
    again: curved upwards, BUT checkered flag ends in WHITE corners!

    Here's their 77-79 fender emblem:
    77 Fender 2.jpg
    (Zip Products item-# T-315)
    same more rectangular style, but (surprise) the flags ends in BLACK corners!

    Note that Zip's gas door emblems do have the same style as the 77-79 fender emblem, but different item-#'s: 1977 T-306 and 1979 T-324.
    Last edited by Oliver B.; August 6, 2014, 04:05 AM.


    • Oliver B.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 1, 1992
      • 556

      Re: Variants of 1977 to/and 1979 Crossed Flag Emblems

      And as for the other "biggies:

      Eckler's seem not to offer a 77 or 79 nose emblem, but their fender and gas emblems are the same style as Zip's...

      Mid America seem not to offer a 79 gas door emblem but nose and fender emblems are the same as Zip's...


      • Oliver B.
        Very Frequent User
        • February 1, 1992
        • 556

        Re: Variants of 1977 to/and 1979 Crossed Flag Emblems

        So - as I doubt that my car's emblems ever were exchanged (I can say DEAD SURE for the last 22+ years ), why is it that the "checkers" on the end of the flags are exactly the other way round as on the replacement parts?

        Is this like this on all the 77's (mine is June built)?

        How about 79's?

        I'd appreciate your feedback!

        Thanks and best


        • Oliver B.
          Very Frequent User
          • February 1, 1992
          • 556

          Re: Variants of 1977 to/and 1979 Crossed Flag Emblems

          I just checked ebay again for getting some GM #'s assigned to the emblems...

          1) there are several available with the "aftermarket" (is it?) -pattern and my a.m. GM # given - very strange...

          2) there is EVEN one Nose emblem with 5 white and 4 black fields in the "main" of the flag:
          Front - 3.jpg
          Now, THAT's interesting...

          As said: anybody welcome to shed some additional light on this - or add pics of THEIR emblems.



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