Is this original 66 fiberglass?

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  • Scott G.
    • September 1, 1984
    • 132

    Is this original 66 fiberglass?

    rear panel.JPG

    I am looking to replace the sheet molded part on my 66 for an original style piece.
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

    It looks original as best as I can see from the photo. Does it have a part number molded into it at the lower center?


    • Joseph T.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 1986
      • 168

      Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

      Looks good to me. How does it compare to the color of the fiberglass currently on the inner portion of the rear fenders?


      • Scott G.
        • September 1, 1984
        • 132

        Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

        Here is the center section photo. I'm doing this by long distance. The seller has provided the photos. I have asked for some from closer up.Panel center.jpg


        • Scott G.
          • September 1, 1984
          • 132

          Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

          Just as I posted the previous, I received a better photo from the seller. Panel center 2.jpg


          • Russ S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • May 1, 1982
            • 2158

            Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

            Looks like a winner.
            Originally posted by Scott Goings (7829)
            Just as I posted the previous, I received a better photo from the seller. [ATTACH=CONFIG]54216[/ATTACH]


            • Russ S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 1, 1982
              • 2158

              Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

              If you have it shipped be sure to have shipper back it with something(like plywood) to protect it.


              • Scott G.
                • September 1, 1984
                • 132

                Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

                Is that molded in number unique to the correct part?


                • Gene M.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • April 1, 1985
                  • 4232

                  Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

                  The darker glass as in 67 can be in the mid to late 66 year. Also the lighter gray is quite common in the early to mid 66. So depending on the build may follow those trends. It's not uncommon to see light gray on some of the panels in early 67's built in 66.


                  • Russ S.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • May 1, 1982
                    • 2158

                    Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

                    I don't quite understand your question as all parts have a part number that is unique to a correct part as do incorrect parts have a part number that is unique to an incorrect part. It is an original correct part.
                    Originally posted by Scott Goings (7829)
                    Is that molded in number unique to the correct part?


                    • Scott G.
                      • September 1, 1984
                      • 132

                      Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

                      Thank you for the response. What is was trying to ask was: Is this part number only on the original parts or do the later parts molded with the newer material also carry the same part number?

                      Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
                      I don't quite understand your question as all parts have a part number that is unique to a correct part as do incorrect parts have a part number that is unique to an incorrect part. It is an original correct part.


                      • Russ S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • May 1, 1982
                        • 2158

                        Re: Is this original 66 fiberglass?

                        There are a couple of different repos available so I can't say for sure but I don't think any of them have part numbers on them like the originals.
                        Originally posted by Scott Goings (7829)
                        Thank you for the response. What is was trying to ask was: Is this part number only on the original parts or do the later parts molded with the newer material also carry the same part number?


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