Converting a non p/b master cylinder to a PB m/c for a 1963 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Converting a non p/b master cylinder to a PB m/c for a 1963

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  • Gerald C.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1987
    • 1265

    Converting a non p/b master cylinder to a PB m/c for a 1963

    I am seeing many articles in the forum that states that the only difference between the non PB and PB master cylinder is the bleeder screw. I want to convert my non PB m/c to a PB m/c with the bleeder screw. Does anyone know someone that can perform that surgery? I was told that the hold needs to be cone shaped at the end of the drill, so obviously, I don't want to do that myself.I have a friend that wants to help, but I'd like to provide him some advice on how to go about it the correct way.ThanksJerry
  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 1976
    • 4547

    Re: Converting a non p/b master cylinder to a PB m/c for a 1963


    Send it to Lonestar Caliper 1 903 829-8400 in Texas. They can fix it for you and it will work!!!!!


    PS. You will need to chunk the thumbscrew on top and use a bolt. They will probably just trade yours for one already ready.


    • Gerald C.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 1987
      • 1265

      Re: Converting a non p/b master cylinder to a PB m/c for a 1963

      Joe,Thanks. I'll call them in the morningJerry


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