1967 BB shroud part #s, may be a 68? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1967 BB shroud part #s, may be a 68?

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  • Domenic T.
    • January 28, 2010
    • 2452

    1967 BB shroud part #s, may be a 68?

    Back in 71 I bought a new Shroud from the dealer. I remember the parts guy telling me that 68 parts would work by moving one mounting hole.
    My question for those with parts books is: I have the part #s of all 3 pieces that make up the shroud.
    1...3886887. Side
    2...011193. Side
    3...388820, maybe 388826? Top
    I & 2 are the sides/bottom and 3 is the top. It was made by General Tire. I looked in the 67 AIM and at pics from LICORVETTE and I do see some difference at the mounting but the pics don't show those areas I need to see. Also the one I have is not cut out for the alt on the left top. With glass work at the shroud mounting, and doing the cut out it is looking like what I can see on the pics.

    Thanks, DOM
  • Wayne W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1982
    • 3605

    Re: 1967 BB shroud part #s, may be a 68?

    Later ones had a sliced off flange on the RH side.


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 31, 1988
      • 43160

      Re: 1967 BB shroud part #s, may be a 68?

      Originally posted by Domenic Tallarita (51287)
      Back in 71 I bought a new Shroud from the dealer. I remember the parts guy telling me that 68 parts would work by moving one mounting hole.
      My question for those with parts books is: I have the part #s of all 3 pieces that make up the shroud.
      1...3886887. Side
      2...011193. Side
      3...388820, maybe 388826? Top
      I & 2 are the sides/bottom and 3 is the top. It was made by General Tire. I looked in the 67 AIM and at pics from LICORVETTE and I do see some difference at the mounting but the pics don't show those areas I need to see. Also the one I have is not cut out for the alt on the left top. With glass work at the shroud mounting, and doing the cut out it is looking like what I can see on the pics.

      Thanks, DOM

      I'm out-of-town for awhile and, thus, don't have access to my catalogs. However, I can tell you this much:GM #3886887 is a 1966-released part number. I think you've left a number out of the other 388 numbers. 011193 is not a GM part number for anything to do with a fan shroud, if anything at all.

      If you purchased a complete fan shroud in 1971 for a 66-67 Corvette big block, it would almost certainly have been a SERVICE shroud applicable to 1966-68 big blocks. I don't think it was 100% correct for any but it was 100% functional for all.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Joe R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1976
        • 4547

        Re: 1967 BB shroud part #s, may be a 68?


        The service part for 1967-68 BB shrouds was assembled. The side pieces were riveted to the top with two pop rivets on each side and the two side pieces were riveted at the bottom as well. Perfectly serviceable and could be modified to exactly replace an original. The service repacement was not painted as the original was. Also the 66-67 SB shroud was available in three pieces and various colors from dark gray to light gray.



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