org cap vs locking cap points question - NCRS Discussion Boards

org cap vs locking cap points question

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  • Michael F.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 31, 1992
    • 745

    org cap vs locking cap points question

    on 67 how many points do you lose if you have the locking cap bought back in the day from chevy??

    70 Mulsanne Blue LT-1
    03 Electron Blue Z06
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: org cap vs locking cap points question

    Originally posted by Michael Funk (22104)
    on 67 how many points do you lose if you have the locking cap bought back in the day from chevy??


    I don't know how many points would be lost but why lose any points? Simply install an original style cap for judging and use the locking cap at other times. However, I actually do not recommend the use of the locking caps for on-road use. I have found that they are too prone to leak gas. So, I use a conventional cap for on road use and install the locking cap only when I park the car in a " threatening" environment. That virtually never happens for other reasons.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Stuart F.
      • August 31, 1996
      • 4676

      Re: org cap vs locking cap points question

      I too found the locking cap to leak a little, but don't believe it any worse than the stock cap on my 63 which just has a vent hole ( unique to 63). The difference is that you can see the telltale evidence of the leak on the chrome. However, the worst thing about the locking cap is that it can be opened with just a nickel, as well as the key. It only slows down the thief, you might say. Thieves are really just looking for your original anyway.

      Stu Fox


      • Kenneth B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 31, 1984
        • 2083

        Re: org cap vs locking cap points question

        Originally posted by Stuart Fox (28060)
        I too found the locking cap to leak a little, but don't believe it any worse than the stock cap on my 63 which just has a vent hole ( unique to 63). The difference is that you can see the telltale evidence of the leak on the chrome. However, the worst thing about the locking cap is that it can be opened with just a nickel, as well as the key. It only slows down the thief, you might say. Thieves are really just looking for your original anyway.Stu Fox
        Very true. At car shows people lift gas caps, radiator caps ETC. if you leave the Corvette alone. If it is out anywhere else & a would be thief come up 40.00 worth of gas will be the least of your worries.
        65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


        • John H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • November 30, 1997
          • 16513

          Re: org cap vs locking cap points question

          Originally posted by Michael Funk (22104)
          on 67 how many points do you lose if you have the locking cap bought back in the day from chevy??
          Michael -

          The cap carries 3/3 originality/condition points (total 6); you'd probably lose all six, as that cap wasn't available from the factory and doesn't resemble the correct cap at all.


          • Michael F.
            Very Frequent User
            • December 31, 1992
            • 745

            Re: org cap vs locking cap points question

            thanks John on points breakdown and everyone on advice. I used a dime to open cap when I misplaced key one time, learned that back in 70 with my first 67.

            70 Mulsanne Blue LT-1
            03 Electron Blue Z06


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