Removing seat belt shroud

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  • Ronald F.
    • September 30, 2012
    • 135

    Removing seat belt shroud

    Could someone please offer advice on removing for a repaint. First, how do I get it past the chrome latch, or is there a different way I should be removing it? Tried forcing but afraid I'll tear it. Then, where would I get a small amount of paint for my Marina Blue with bright blue interior? Is it a special type of paint or will any the right color do.


  • Greg Y.
    • April 4, 2014
    • 25

    Re: Removing seat belt shroud

    I replaced my seatbelt shrouds last winter and got the old ones off by putting the assembly in a vice then heating the rubber up with a hair dryer. When it got soft it became pliable and pulled off.


    • Ronald F.
      • September 30, 2012
      • 135

      Re: Removing seat belt shroud

      Thanks! I now got it removed and need to repaint. Where can I get the proper paint?


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