L88 heads

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  • Edward B.
    • March 30, 2013
    • 691

    Re: L88 heads

    Well how 'bout that. I went out and looked again, and sure enough, I also have HC on my heads (or at least the one I can easily see). Not in the same place as yours, but it's there.

    There's also a N (or a Z depending on how you look at it) on one head and a W (or M depending on how you look at it) on the other.

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    • Wayne M.
      • March 1, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: L88 heads

      Originally posted by Edward Bertrand (58273)
      Well how 'bout that. I went out and looked again, and sure enough, I also have HC on my heads (or at least the one I can easily see). Not in the same place as yours, but it's there.

      There's also a N (or a Z depending on how you look at it) on one head and a W (or M depending on how you look at it) on the other.

      The H_C is on all 4 ends of my 842 set. Also, I have a heavy "B" stamped about where you show your N (?); again, one end of each head.

      But there's a bunch more on the underside (on coolant runners). Stamped G P, Z, and 4 (on one), and same, but number 6 or 9 [ie. no 4] on the other.

      I also have a "L" stamped on one head, near the interface with the iron block, about directly under the temp sender boss. However, I realize that this just might have been some mechanic's way of identifying what side they came off / should go back on.

      Roger Gibson had an interesting article in the Summer 1991 RESTORER, on the subject of BB aluminum heads ( the 392's, 842's and the 6074's). He writes "... the heads installed on production engines have several numbers and letters stamped in the end (photo #6). this is done when they pass certain tests or inspections, such as water test and magnafluxing"


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