C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP? - NCRS Discussion Boards

C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

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  • William G.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 31, 1987
    • 220

    C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

    Does anyone have a real confirmed 68 Corvette Protectoplate who would be willing to send me a hi-res scan or photo of the metal plate? I am trying to determine if the C3 Protecto-plates exhibit the same Addressograph flaws as do the C2 plates.The NCRS POP book is very helpful but does not mention the C3 POPs. I am trying to authenticate a 68 Protectoplate but there are many fakes floating around. Does anyone know if the same Addressograph machine was used at St Louis with the same characters as used for the C2's? Please email me at billygould@comcast.net. Thanks for any help. Bill Gould #12425
  • Bill W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 29, 1980
    • 2000

    Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

    Bill . I have a 68 Corvette warranty book with the plate and a 69 Camaro book & plate I will dig them out of the basement tonight .


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

      Originally posted by William Gould (12425)
      Does anyone have a real confirmed 68 Corvette Protectoplate who would be willing to send me a hi-res scan or photo of the metal plate? I am trying to determine if the C3 Protecto-plates exhibit the same Addressograph flaws as do the C2 plates.The NCRS POP book is very helpful but does not mention the C3 POPs. I am trying to authenticate a 68 Protectoplate but there are many fakes floating around. Does anyone know if the same Addressograph machine was used at St Louis with the same characters as used for the C2's? Please email me at billygould@comcast.net. Thanks for any help. Bill Gould #12425
      Bill -

      I recall Michael Hanson saying that the same Addressograph machine was used from '65-up, and it was still there in 1981 when he took this picture of the Addressograph and the Graphotype the day they turned the lights out for good.



      • William G.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 31, 1987
        • 220

        Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

        Bill and John,Thank you for your responses. If the same addressograph machines were at the St Louis plant until 1981 the question arises were the type characters ever changed? If not then the C3 metal plates should exhibit the same flaws (with wear) as the C2 plates. I am hoping to obtain good images of several real 68 plates to see if the same flaws are present.


        • Bill W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 29, 1980
          • 2000

          Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

          William I sent you a e mail of a 68 warranty plate , did you receive it . I have the complete book and it has the vin number punched out on each page was that normal on 68s .


          • Dave S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 31, 1992
            • 2915

            Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

            Originally posted by Bill Williamson (3245)
            William I sent you a e mail of a 68 warranty plate , did you receive it . I have the complete book and it has the vin number punched out on each page was that normal on 68s .
            That is likely a replacement POP.


            • John C.
              • December 31, 2004
              • 616

              Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?


              For the 1968 model year the Owner Protection Plan booklet had the vin number punched through all the pages as shown in the attached picture.

              I have emailed Bill Gould the original high quality POP photo.

              Attached Files


              • Rich G.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • August 31, 2002
                • 1394

                Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

                I agree with John.

                My book is the same and it shows evidence of service on the car 7 days after it was delivered to replace the battery. Other hand written notes on the booklet make me pretty sure this is not a replacement.

                1966 L79 Convertible. Milano Maroon
                1968 L71 Coupe. Rally Red (Sold 6/21)
                1963 Corvair Monza Convertible


                • William G.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • December 31, 1987
                  • 220

                  Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

                  TTt to the top


                  • William G.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • December 31, 1987
                    • 220

                    Re: C3 Protectoplates.... Does anyone have a real 68 POP?

                    Several members have generously either sent or emailed photos of original 68 Protecto-plates. In doing my analysis of C3 Protectoplates I am starting with 1968. I would greatly appreciate receiving high definition photos of any original 68 POPS. If anyone will loan an original to me that is best so that I can take the high defintion photos myself. I do not expect anyone to send me the POP belonging to their car but perhaps someone has a non specific POP I can borrow for a few days. Thanks, Bill Gould


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