Question for our Engine Experts on E85? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Question for our Engine Experts on E85?

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  • Larry E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 1635

    Question for our Engine Experts on E85?

    I noticed on my new Silverado's engine (L83) has two horsepower specs. It appears that the engine
    has more horsepower with E85 which kinda surprised me. Here is the specs.:

    Horsepower (hp / kW @ rpm): 355 / 250 @ 5600 (gas – SAE certified) 380 / 283 @ 5600 (E85 – SAE certified) Torque (lb-ft / Nm @ rpm): 383 / 519 @ 4100 (gas – SAE certified) 416 / 564 @ 4100 (E85 – SAE certified

    Read more:

    Question: Does the new C7 Corvette also have two engine power specs.??(Not sure if the C7 can run on E85?) Comments please. Larry

    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134
  • Michael J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 26, 2009
    • 7045

    Re: Question for our Engine Experts on E85?

    That is surprising. My wife has a flex-fuel Cadillac SRX V6, and it definitely seems less powerful with E85 in it, which it hardly ever has as the economics just don't warrant using E85 over E10. I am pretty sure the C7 does not have flex fuel capabilities.
    Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 31, 1988
      • 43160

      Re: Question for our Engine Experts on E85?

      Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
      I noticed on my new Silverado's engine (L83) has two horsepower specs. It appears that the engine
      has more horsepower with E85 which kinda surprised me. Here is the specs.:

      Horsepower (hp / kW @ rpm): 355 / 250 @ 5600 (gas – SAE certified) 380 / 283 @ 5600 (E85 – SAE certified) Torque (lb-ft / Nm @ rpm): 383 / 519 @ 4100 (gas – SAE certified) 416 / 564 @ 4100 (E85 – SAE certified

      Read more:

      Question: Does the new C7 Corvette also have two engine power specs.??(Not sure if the C7 can run on E85?) Comments please. Larry

      Ethanol has a high octane rating. So, it may be that when E85 is used the knock sensors allow more spark advance and, thus, more power.

      No Corvette engine is E85-capable.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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